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November 20, 2014

Castillo de Petrer

Built late twelfth century or early thirteenth, but like many others, was built on an earlier watchtower. It had a function of territorial control: controlled the passage of the Castilian plateau to the Mediterranean, and the other way around.

Castillo de Mola

A rare Almohad building (also built on Roman remains) of the twelfth century. A windowless tower and is one of the oldest buildings in civilian use in the Valencian Community.

Palacio de Altamira

This palace in the heart of the city of Elche, located near the riverbank of Vinalopo’s river, was built in the late fifteenth century by the noble Castilian Gutierre de Cardenas (First Lord of the city) over a previous Almohad construction. Nowadays the castle is fully restored, and it houses the Museum of Archaeology and History of Elche.

Castillo de Santa Pola

A castle-fortress of the Renaissance (16th century) in the village of Santa Pola. Its main features are: two bulwarks (bulwark of the King and Bulwark of the Duke), water tank, parade ground, church, and also houses the Museum of the Sea and Fisheries.

Castillo de Onil

Abu Zayd’s old castle, King of Valencia converted to Christianity and vassal of Jaime I. Took the town in 1244. In its early days had an outer ditch, which was subsequently removed to change the function that the castle served. It has a rectangular plan, with a central courtyard and a cloister made of arches.

Some nice places in the zone that you can stay in:

November 15, 2014

Osuna its stunning!

Osuna, the city-museum that also host some scenes from the 5th season of Game of Thrones!

Osuna is an ancient city in Seville, with an exquisite historical, artistic and cultural heritage, and its landscapes are surrounded by beautiful gardens and natural wealth.

Being at the heart of Andalusia and with all these hallmarks, Osuna is the ideal destination for many travelers. One of the first places they should go is the acropolis, which is the set of ducal buildings on top of the hill and then they could visit the main square and its streets dotted of palaces and churches to the coattails of the new city and the suburbs looking to the countryside

And if you are still not convinced (or you, for some reason, hate game of thrones) to pay a visit to this magical place of rich culture and history, let me tell you about other great things to visit once you get to Osuna. The “Colegiata de Santa María de la asunción” is a Catholic temple built in XV-XVI , the exterior of the temple strikes the visitor by its severity. Famous by its extensive collection of art by José de Ribera.

La Colegiata and its surroudings
The old university of Osuna it’s one of the more significative examples of Spanish culture, both for its peculiar physiognomy and by the extensive teaching of his long career, from 1548, date of its construction, until its closure in 1984.

Osana old university is a important piece of Spain history
And don’t forget about the Game of Thrones thing. If you wish, in Osuna’s Museum, you can get the official merchandise of Game of Thrones.
Osuna's gogeours museum

When should you visit Osuna? The best time probably is in spring because you can enjoy the famous Passion Week of Osuna and the May Fair.

Where to stay.
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